Sparkle University
Learn to Sparkle Bring Joy to Others
Do you want to learn the art of Fairy Hair?
Do you want to bring joy to others?
Do you want to earn a little extra and run a fun, side hustle?
Do you want to feel supported in ever step of the way?
Order a full starter kit from Pretty Pretty Pixie. With this kit, you'll get so much more than the objects you need to tie Fairy Hair - you'll get a support from businesswomen who know the secrets to running this whimsical yet professional business. Tailored for the level of effort you want to commit, your Pixie Kit includes:
The Pixie Starter Kit
How to Sparkle instruction booklet with tips, ticks, and secrets for tying and running a small business
1 year of free email support, unlimited
2 - 30min phone or video support in your first year
Others offer instructions on how to tie the Fairy Hair, but no one else is offering this comprehensive package of support and side-hustle, small business advise. Plus, with this kit, you receive 5 colors of authentic, silk Fairy Hair, giving you a variety of colors to offer your friends, family ,and clients right off the bat with the smallest investment.
Click here to see the details of the Sparkle Kit.